

  Everybody want to live, nobody wants to die. Many at times, you see people being reckless with there lives, not because they are resistance to death or maybe they wish to die, but because they are ignorant of how close they're to death. Nobody in his or her right sense will go an inch close to what ever thing that will take away there lives. Even those that dies under the cover of suicide don't just do that because they want to do so, it's a psychological disorder that makes them to think that the only way to excape the pain or certain things is death. NIGERIA AND THE CONVID-19 . From the first signs of that Coronavirus or CONVID-19 and was turning into an epidemic and was officially declared a world wide emergency, the federal government of Nigeria  started planning preventive, containment and curative measures, in the event this disease hits Nigeria, the whole instruments of government were mobilized to fight this life threatening disease. On 27th Februar


With God, all things are possible. Our confidence is found in Luke 21 vs 23: “ Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away”. Since we also know that God is not a man that tells lies, we should remain steadfast and keep faith alive. Keeping faith alive does not mean that one should begin to look like one that is mourning. On the contrary, keeping faith alive should make one radiate joy. It should mean that people will see the glory of God in your life. It also means taking time to study the word of God, pray and fast. All of these are not done to impress any human being but to bring you closer to the God of man with whom nothing is impossible. Keeping Faith Alive Keeping faith alive can be demonstrated in several ways. The first is prayer. For whatever we are trusting God for, prayer is crucial. The word of God makes it clear: “ Ask and you shall be given”. Don’t get tired of praying. Break your sleep to pray. Find time to attend


Since the fall of Adam and Eve and their subsequent expulsion from the garden of Eden in other words the Paradise “as a result of their sin, the way for man to regain that place was closed. God’s original plan for man was to live forever as He also lives forever. But sin came in through Satan and robbed man from the best place God made for human beings. However, God did not give up on man because of His love for man He created in His own image and likeness. Like a caring and loving Father, God made another plan whereby sinful man might regain what he lost in Eden. In His attribute of magnanimity God carried out His plan before the foundation of the world to send His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, to represent us and bear the judgment which the sinful man deserved so that we might regain what we lost. The sacrifices that were made in Judaism were not able to meet divine requirements for the sins of man. It was just only don


It's never too late to climb that mountain, the only thing that is too late is to quit, you can't stop now, you have already had a lot of pains, Linda Carol Apple  in her article wrote this story It was an unusually busy day for the hospital staff on the sixth floor. Ten new patients were admitted and Nurse Susan spent the morning and afternoon checking them in. Her friend Sharron, an aide, prepared ten rooms for the patients and made sure they were comfortable. After they were finished she grabbed Sharron and said, “We deserve a break. Let’s go eat.” Sitting across from each other in the noisy cafeteria, Susan noticed Sharron absently wiping the moisture off the outside of her glass with her thumbs. Her face reflected a weariness that came from more than just a busy day. “You’re pretty quiet. Are you tired, or is something wrong?” – Susan asked. Sharron hesitated. However, seeing the sincere concern in her friend’s face, she confessed,


Most of us will experience hard choices, stressful events, and difficult situations that will impact us in one way or another for the rest of our lives. Hard times happen. They teach us lessons, make us stronger, and give us a deeper sense of self. After all, would sitting in the sun mean as much if you hadn’t of experienced the storm first? Stop rationalizing, stop stewing. Get up out of your chair and start doing We too frequently become adept at pointing out our flaws and identifying failures. We need to become equally adept at citing our achievements. We have to be willing to say to ourselves, I’m on the right road. I’m doing OK. I’m succeeding. I once read an article about doctors who incorporated “talk therapy” to treat patients suffering with depression. Instead of medicating the problem, the doctors instructed the patients to start making positive declarations over their lives, saying such things as: “I have a bright future. Peop


    One young man, with his daughter’s arm around his shoulders, sat on his front step and, with tears in his eyes, kept repeating, “I’m a loser.” You’d have to be pretty hardhearted for that not to grip you. Having been homeless myself at one time in my life, I could relate. I know what it feels like to have nowhere to sleep. So I have a message for that young man: Even though I don’t know you, the odds are that you are not a loser. You’re just a person who’s made some bad decisions. And now, like me and everyone else who has made bad decisions, you’re experiencing the consequences of your actions. But that shouldn’t stop you from learning from this experience and profiting from it in the future. In the words of Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad (who was once so broke that he and his wife had to sleep in their car), “Winners are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also


Have you ever set a goal for yourself, like getting fit, making honor roll, or being picked for a team? Like lots of people, maybe you started out doing great, but then lost some of that drive and had trouble getting motivated again. Everyone struggles with staying motivated and reaching their goals. Just look at how many people go on diets, lose weight, and then gain it back again! The reality is that refocusing, changing, or making a new start on something, no matter how small, is a big deal. But it's not impossible. With the right approach, you can definitely do it.                               Getting Motivated So how do you stay motivated and on track with your goal? It all comes down to good planning, realistic expectations, and a stick-to-it attitude. Here's what you need to do: First, know your goal. Start by writing down your major goal. Your major goal is the ultimate thing you'd like to see happen. For example, "I want to make