One young man, with his daughter’s arm around
his shoulders, sat on his front step and, with
tears in his eyes, kept repeating, “I’m a loser.”
You’d have to be pretty hardhearted for that not
to grip you. Having been homeless myself at one
time in my life, I could relate. I know what it
feels like to have nowhere to sleep.
So I have a message for that young man: Even
though I don’t know you, the odds are that you
are not a loser. You’re just a person who’s made
some bad decisions. And now, like me and
everyone else who has made bad decisions,
you’re experiencing the consequences of your
But that shouldn’t stop you from learning from
this experience and profiting from it in the future.
In the words of Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich
Dad, Poor Dad (who was once so broke that he
and his wife had to sleep in their car), “Winners
are not afraid of losing. But losers are. Failure is
part of the process of success. People who
avoid failure also avoid success.”
If you’ve lost your home, your business, and/or
your money, don’t be intimidated. The guys
running many of the biggest corporations in the
world have managed to lose billions, which
makes them many times dumber than you.
Sure, the deck is stacked against you, because
you don’t have billions to work with and you don’t
qualify for a taxpayer bailout. But the way I look
at it, the deck is stacked against everyone –
because no matter what we do, we aren’t getting
out of here alive anyway. In the words of British
economist John Maynard Keynes: “In the long
run, we’re all dead.”
With the economy in shambles, now is the
perfect time to get all this squared away in your
mind. Get up off the floor and listen: You’re not
dumb, and you’re not a loser. You just haven’t
learned to be as clever as the guys who make
super-dumb decisions and still walk away with
Regardless of where you are today, I can tell you
where you will be next year at this time: exactly
where you should be according to how resilient
you are over the next 12 months, how
determined you are, how hard you work, and how
good your decisions are.
Just be sure to keep in mind Robert Kiyosaki’s
warning that people who avoid failure also avoid
success. Above all, remember that there’s a lot
more to success than bean counting. If you have
love and good health, you’re already successful.
A loser is someone who quits. If you never quit,
you never lose.walk with God and all will go well with you, be blessed