Most of us will experience hard choices, stressful events, and difficult situations that will impact us in one way or another for the rest of our lives. Hard times happen. They teach us lessons, make us stronger, and give us a deeper sense of self. After all, would sitting in the sun mean as much if you hadn’t of experienced the storm first? Stop rationalizing, stop stewing. Get up out of your chair and start doing We too frequently become adept at pointing out our flaws and identifying failures. We need to become equally adept at citing our achievements. We have to be willing to say to ourselves, I’m on the right road. I’m doing OK. I’m succeeding. I once read an article about doctors who incorporated “talk therapy” to treat patients suffering with depression. Instead of medicating the problem, the doctors instructed the patients to start making positive declarations over their lives, saying such things as: “I have a bright future. Peop